Finding Inspiration to enrich self-care
We all know how important it is to keep our mind, body and soul in good, healthy condition, right?
It is also one of those things that is much easier to intend to do, than to actually implement on a daily basis.

It has taken some hard lessons for me to get to where I am on my journey of self-care, and I have a lot of room for growth, but I have found a heightened awareness of the need to care for myself. I owe SO MUCH of this "awareness" to massage and the doors this amazing world has opened for me. One of the biggest factors has been the people who have joined my network. We can learn so much from each other, and I truly believe we cross paths with the people we are supposed to, exactly when we should. Surround yourself with people you look up to and admire, and I promise you, you will be inspired.
So, what is the relationship between self-care and surrounding yourself with the "right" people? Everything.
It has been my personal experience that watching my friends and family succeed and find balance and peace in their crazy lives inspires me to strive for that same balance. On the other hand, when I see someone I love spiraling a bit out of control, I'm encouraged to take a look at my own situation, regroup, and offer encouraging support to that frenzied soul.
Look to your community, however large or small, near or far, for the examples, encouragement and inspiration you need.
To do this, you will need to slow down, breathe, open your eyes and observe with clarity.
Just to clarify, this does not mean you should compare yourself to everything you see on social media, because that's a steep, slippery slope (and a whole other blog post!).

What I mean is, take a look at the people around you who seem to find peace and genuine happiness, and think about their habits. Chances are, they take time for themselves, in some way, on a regular basis. Maybe they have a fantastic exercise routine, or they spend time outside in nature regularly. I'm sure you know someone who sets an amazing example with their nutrition or devotes time to a hobby they love deep down in their soul. Let these people inspire you to care about yourself enough to set intentions to care for yourself with the same passion.

So many of us have the tendency to think of things like massage or bodywork as an indulgence or luxury. We view that weekly yoga class as something we might fit in, if we're lucky. True, all of these things are wonderful and enrich our lives, so they feel like luxuries. The truth is, they make us happier, more patient, more kind-hearted, healthy people, which, in turn, makes us better parents, spouses, friends, siblings, co-workers and citizens.
And yes, you DO deserve the time to be the best version of yourself. Everyone around you will reap the benefits too!