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While I continue to search for the perfect space for True North to call "home," I am very pleased to be able to offer all of my services out of my home studio.

The space is warm, cozy and inviting, and there's plenty of room to house my hot stone heater and warm bamboo set for treatments.

In keeping with the theme of my last post, I'm practicing patience and celebrating this space! I'm so grateful to have a room in my home that can be devoted to my business and I'm lucky to have a flexible family that will accommodate the rearranging that was involved. I truly love this serene, simple space. It all came together to create a happy, renewing sort of environment. I love the energy it brings and hope you all will too!

(Patience, my sweet family, hopefully we will be able to put things back very soon!)

Reach out to us via email, phone or facebook if you have any questions or want to talk more about how we could work together. I'd love the opportunity to work with you!

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